Monday, April 5, 2010

It Begins - Day One

I am an attacker striving to be a finisher.

Have you ever felt yourself clamming up on making a final decision? Final answer! It all seems so consequential, so monumental and concrete making that final decision. So much so that I've created a pretty good life and attitude of "just going with it". No decisions here, I'll just do what feels right. However, doing what feels right involves quite a bit of living in the moment. Ah yes, living in the moment is Oh soO fantastic and has taken me on amazing adventures and unforgettable experiences, but there comes a point when a girl has just GOT to start making plans and following through.

Some might say, "set yourself goals" and I'd say back that goals are for sport, what I have in mind is a Plan! A plan that I absolutely MUST follow through with because if I don't... I will simply disappoint and I hate disappointment. This effort is for me. I will finish.

The Plan:

A photograph a day for one year.

Yes, it has been done and it is currently being done, but it's certainly has not been done by me! I struggle with finishing, but finish I will.

A deadline a day on the Ramey Daily.

Day 1

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Everyday that we wake and face the world we begin creating advertisements of self promotion. It's plain evolution. Everyone wants to be pretty. I feel specifically empowered when I create self portraits because they lets me advertise a mood that I otherwise could not. Oftentimes I have a difficult time expressing my moods in words. But, when I create a self portraits, I try not to think, however I sit back and follow the mood.

I'm beginning this blog with a self portrait to show you Me; a striving artist in an unfriendly economy at the beginning of her photo resolution!

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