Friday, April 9, 2010

Day Five - Tumbleweeds in Oakland

Sometimes my commute is over an hour. I hit one freeway after another with it's usual backups. Dear City Planners, bottle necking seven lanes into four, is NOT a good idea. Yesterday was one of those bad commutes, but in an effort to keep things interesting and made a little detour just before home. And I mean little. But, before I knew it I was stopped by a road block. Normally, I would be steaming at this moment as commute times clicks past 55 minutes, but this road block was different. It was, in fact, a giant tumbleweed! Right there on the sketchy streets of Oakland.. a tumbleweed. What cracked me up more was later, when I drove by again to see the anomaly, it was moved to the side of the road near the train tracks! Where am I? The Good the Bad and the Ugly all of a sudden... with a weird twist.
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