Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day Twenty Five - Check

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Chess. Such an intricate game.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day Twenty Four - Golf and Beer

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Such a wonderful combination! Who knew what torture a small golf ball could bring, it's amazing! A tribute to the golfers. Another April has come and gone, now bring on May. I'll miss the priceless photo opportunities that the Fest has to offer and the absolutely had to be there stories. I'll miss the Fest. Cheers to Missoula!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day Twenty Three - Chuckie

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This is the first cat I've ever really liked. He's a cat-dog, the best kind of cat. He meows, and I love it. Chuckie.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day Twenty Two - Gram

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My grandmother loves to boast about her family. She is the matriarch of 4 generations and has been around the block once or twice. My gram, Joyce Neil, is the old world. Stuck in the 1950's, she is now surrounded my machines and impersonal business. My grandma, I love. We are quite similar.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day Twenty One - The Races

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Timing. It's all about timing... everything that is.
Number 7 won the race.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day Twenty - Still. Life.

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The body as a still life.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day Nineteen - Ashglass

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Glass half full... full of what? Gross.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day Eighteen - Colors of Oakland

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This is a merged HDR photo of a graffiti tag and a community art wall. The walls of Oakland are littered with graffiti and community.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day Seventeen - Obie

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More than anything, I enjoy taking pictures of animals. Dogs are atop the list. With their endless expressions and silly antics, dogs really are a joy to photograph.

This is Obie. He is one special pup and truly in tune with peoples emotions. This guys just wants to make it all alright! And with that face I think he might.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day Sixteen - Blue Helmet

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Damn, it's hard to blog and travel! I loved this skate park so much!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day Fifteen - Morgan

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Morgan basking in the sunshine! Looks like a dogs day to me.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day Fourteen - Golfing Downtown

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Today is glorious April 18th, my birthday! I celebrated yesterday with a round of golf, not your ordinary game of golf, but a round of Pub Golf! A few of my closest friends (50+) and I hit the streets of Portland for our annual April Baby Pub Golf Tournament and it was a RIOT! Golfers mobbing downtown Portland everywhere! Local bar patrons had no idea what to do with all the plaid and shananegins, it was epic! Foooooore!

Happy day to me! On to brunch!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day Thirteen - Skate Day

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Sunny Portland Oregon! Saturday is a play day! There was a skate park at the rugby game today, and the action was hot! This guy, named Machad, is a local high school football player who loves to skate on the weekends. The ages ranged all over the park and the smiles were very present on this beautiful Portland day!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day Twelve - Wine Country

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Gorgeous Tree, gorgeous vineyard, glorious wine! Niebaum-Coppola at Rutherford Estate, Napa, CA.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day Eleven - Down Side UP

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Awfully pretty in the early morning. This is Rockefeller style. Wisteria!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day Ten - Bart

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I love creeping pictures of people on Bart. It makes my heart beat so hard, because I realize how invasive it is to have your picture taken. Especially by a complete stranger. I try to be as stealthy as possible, but I do get caught sometimes. The worst I've gotten is a dirty stare, let's hope it stays that way!

People are fascinating in crowded public spaces.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day Nine - Speed Limit

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This sign caught my eye today while driving through a school zone. I pulled over and walked towards it when a loud, high pitched voice yelled, "I'm get chu! Watch out mothafucka"! My senses being completely heightened with this sort of sound, I quickly spotted the fouled mouthed boy. Yes, boy of probably 10 years old, with his arms around another boy in a good choke hold grasp. A few steps farther and he released only to then fire fake gun shots, with his hands, at his friend. They were walking out of the "safe school zone".

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day Eight - Barrel

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Whoa, cutting the deadline close today! Tonality.

A week has been gone and yes, this is hard. Everyday I find myself thinking, "what am I going to post today?" A photo a day!? This has the possibility to get overwhelming... Ha! Bring it on! It's my birthday month for crying out loud! Party shots to come? :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day Six - Our Old Lady

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She's 11 years old and the most spoiled thing on earth. She's my girl, my mom's girl and my brother's girl. She's our girl.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day Five - Tumbleweeds in Oakland

Sometimes my commute is over an hour. I hit one freeway after another with it's usual backups. Dear City Planners, bottle necking seven lanes into four, is NOT a good idea. Yesterday was one of those bad commutes, but in an effort to keep things interesting and made a little detour just before home. And I mean little. But, before I knew it I was stopped by a road block. Normally, I would be steaming at this moment as commute times clicks past 55 minutes, but this road block was different. It was, in fact, a giant tumbleweed! Right there on the sketchy streets of Oakland.. a tumbleweed. What cracked me up more was later, when I drove by again to see the anomaly, it was moved to the side of the road near the train tracks! Where am I? The Good the Bad and the Ugly all of a sudden... with a weird twist.
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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day Four - Fallen Toys

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This stuffed animal, that belongs to my dog, has endured the long winter outside moving it's sopping body only by gusts of wind and the occasional leaf blower. Here the toy rests.

Ah, running late this morning! All my snoozes snoozed too long!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day Three - Poking Around Corners

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Pimpin' Phat

I found myself kicking up dust and turning over rocks on Treasure Island this past weekend and to my wonderful surprise, I got a lot more that I expected! Bam! There they were around a few corners, blasting tens from the back trunk, carrying little ridiculous toy dogs, donning silk robes and smoking stogies. Corvette's and Camaro's oh my!!

So, in true creeper form, I skirted myself around that corner and jumped out of the car with my telephoto lens! "Hey who invited the granola white chick?" It's a little hard to be inconspicuous with a foot long lens (thats right guys) and my pasty pigment amongst this night club crowd. Forgetting my bling, however, was my biggest giveaway!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day Two - Sirens from the Past

Red Cross

Registered Ambulance
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I was very enthusiastic yesterday when I set out to take my first photos for the Ramey Daily. It's not all taking the photos, but developing them and processing them to create a final image, that I really struggle with. Anyway, I had this old Ambulance in mind that has been parked down the street from my house for my whole life. It's a piece a work you don't see every day. The cracks in the paint, the asymmetrical axel drives, the gas tank on the side of the wheel well. It's gorgeous. I would say... 1940 US Air Force Ambulance.

So, I gave a fair effort at my first real HDR image. You see, I've tried and experimented plenty with HDR (mostly merging non matching photos), but there is something about having to actually have that finished product for the Daily :) I finished processing these two images late last night, after an exciting college basketball final and probably one too many Heinekens!