Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day One Hundred! - Split Vision

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As the sun sets on Lake Superior I meander around a private dock and back yard with my camera hanging from my shoulder. The sunset is gorgeous and I've already taken a hundred shots, so I am looking for more. Vision is in the details, your point of view and how you can notice the things most others don't. Generally I am not looking directly out of my eyes, I try to use my peripheral vision to guide me. This hanging leaf caught my attention out the corner of my eye. I love the angles of lines and direction in this photo. The diagonal strip of rain to the left of the leaf, the sun beam and the thick tree branch dividing the photo in half .

One hundred days into this crazy blogging thing and I'm shocked that I'm still going! I've learned so much already by embarking on this tedious task that I can't wait to throw down another one hundred daily Rameys! Thank you everyone for you support by viewing. Let me know if you like any shot in particular and we can work out getting you a nice shiny print!

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